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Lesson 5 - Passing Someone A Gift
In the practice conversation your Japanese neighbour has invited you to a party at her house. You have entered her home and wish to pass her

Lesson 4 - Entering Someone's House
In the practice conversation your Japanese neighbour has invited you to a party at her house.

Lesson 3 - Saying "Good Evening"
In the practice conversation you are out for a walk in the evening when you meet your Japanese neighbour.

Lesson 2 - Saying "Good Morning"
In the practice conversation, you are out for a walk in the morning when you meet your Japanese neighbour.

Lesson 1 - Saying "Hello"
In the practice conversation you are out for a walk when you meet your Japanese neighbour.

Short Japanese Lessons
Short Japanese Lessons, a weekly Youtube series of 3-4 minute Japanese lessons for beginners brought to you by the makers of Travel...
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